TMS Program Name

Greetings TMS Program Parents and Community Members,
Since moving into our new location in 2020, Taber Mennonite School has operated as a special program as part of DA Ferguson and WR Myers. We have continued to have the same goal: protecting faith and culture, and helping families make great futures through learning.
Our mission statement shows this goal, and it's what we follow in everything we do in the TMS program. But since we're not a school on our own anymore, we're thinking about changing our name. We want to think about how a new name can show the things that are important to us.
We want parents, students, and members of our community to have the ability to submit names they feel reflect what we do and think is important at TMS. Questions we want to think about include: How can these important things be shown in a name? What parts of our name are important to keep or have?
We’ve created several ways you can submit a name:
- Complete the attached form and return it back to the school
- Submit a digital version of the form available here: or use the QR code to access the link
- Call the school and talk to one of our staff members to share your idea
We will collect names until February 16th. After this date, our naming committee will choose a smaller list of ‘finalists’. On March 7th, at 6:00 pm we will have a school potluck where families will be able to give more say and vote on the names they like the most.
These votes and ideas will be used by the naming committee to select the final name choices to be given to the Horizon School Division board of trustees, who make the decision on the name for the program.
If you have any questions or concerns about this process, please reach out to us at the school.